「松永圭太展 蛻 [Monuke]」4日目

松永圭太展 蛻 [Monuke]」(~5/20迄)の4日目。

昨日に引き続き「蛻 Monuke」。幅10~20cmの小品です。


MONUKE-The empty shell. It is the production of Keita Matsunaga that is made in Tajimi City, Gifu Prefecture. Casks, empty, hollow. However, not because nothing was there, there were traces of something escaping, accompanied by lonesome emptiness. If we think about it, the container is filled with something inside, an object enclosed by airspace. Thinking about it, inside of the vessel is filled with a container like an object wrapped with small airspace. A Tea bowl[Chawan] fosters the concept of metaphysics by seeing the profound world in its void. Monuke desires the concept of supernatural presence.

Mr Matsunaga 's work is rooted in his understanding, regardless of whether it is impractical or practical. The point is the beauty of unintentional natural dynamics appearing on the surface layer from the enclosed space, that is the point. Through the process of pressing the clay against the plaster mould of the mathematical form from the inside, the texture born outside is due to the untouched raw soil. We transposed two hemispheric clays and combined it; we retain a pattern that forms by its own weight and firing. He is studying architecture, trying to model clay pottery work by intentionally creating an imbalance between the plasticity of the clay and the architectural rigidity. The unusual misalignment of the geometric form created by CAD by the roughness of natural raw soil will be able to express Matsunaga's work.

Matsunaga Keita Profile
1986 Born in Gifu prefecture, Tajimi city.
2010 Department of Architecture graduation, Meijo University.
2013 Completion of Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Center.
2016 Completion of Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo.
In 2018, Currently being produced in Tajimi City, Gifu Prefecture.

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松永圭太展 蛻 [Monuke]
2018年5月12日(土)~20日(日) 会期中無休
営業時間 11時~18時 
次回在廊日 5月20日(日)
ギャラリーうつわノート 埼玉県川越市小仙波町1-7-6

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1986年 岐阜県多治見市生まれ
2010年 名城大学建築学科 卒業
2013年 多治見市陶磁器意匠研究所 修了
2016年 金沢卯辰山工芸工房 修了
2018年 現在、岐阜県可児市で制作中

by sora_hikari | 2018-05-15 18:19 | 松永圭太展2018

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